Thursday 29 August 2013

First day at school :: Einschulung

We live in a house with two other families. Both of them have kids. And in both families one of their children had its first day of school recently. And the funny thing is: Both go to the same school and, yes, in the same class. So what was needed were two school enrollment presents that would be similar but different (one boy and one girl). I wanted to give them something a bit more personal than a pack of crayons or other school supplies would have been. So I came up with the idea of a cover for their homework notebooks with their name on it. My sister was so kind to do the embroidery. The rest was super simple and quick sewing :-)

In Germany there is a tradition to give children a large cornet of cardboard filled with sweets and little presents on their first day at school. There is one really big one given to them by the parents but usually they get lots of tiny ones from family and friends. (Here you can get an impression on what I am talking about) I decided to make my own ones because those I found in the shops were pretty nasty with star wars and racing cars on them.

Wir wohnen in einem Haus mit insgesamt drei Familien. Zwei Familien haben Kinder und in jeder gab es neulich ein Einschulungskind. Und das lustige ist: Beide Kinder gehen in die selbe Schule und, genau, in die selbe Klasse! Also brauchten wir zwei Geschenke, die aehnlich, aber nicht gleich sind, da es sich um einen Jungen und ein Maedel handelt. Ich wollte ihnen gern etwas eher persoenliches schenken und nicht unbedingt die zigte Packung Buntstifte. Also bin ich auf die Idee mit den Hausaufgabenhafthuellen gekommen. Meine Schwester war so nett, die Stickerei fuer mich zu uebernehmen und der Rest war super einfach und schnell genaeht ;-) 

Als Zugabe habe ich noch kleine Zuckertueten gebastelt, da die, die man zu kaufen kriegt (ich meine die mit Star Wars und Rennautos drauf) in meinen Augen furchtbar sind.

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